Kauverian Medical Journal
Kauvery Hospitalen-USKauverian Medical JournalProne ventilation: A case series
<p>A 30- years- aged male with Diabetes, Alcohol addiction, and chronic pancreatitis was admitted unconscious, intubated at the hospital of the National Lignite Corporation (NLC.)</p>Ramanathan Kannan Suppiah
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2025-01-252025-01-252315Clinical audit: Patients undergoing spinal anaesthesia for Post Dural Puncture Headache (PDPH)
<p>To reduce the incidence of post dural puncture headache in patients undergoing spinal anaesthesia...</p>K. Senthil Kumar
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2025-01-252025-01-2523610A non-randomized clinical study on heat stroke
<p>A non-randomized clinical study on heat stroke</p>Rajkumar
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2025-01-252025-01-25231117Infective endocarditis: A case series
<p>Infective endocarditis is the inflammation of the endocardium, the inner lining of the heart, as well as the heart valves. Clinically, infective endocarditis may present with a multitude of signs and symptoms, and clinicians should consider this diagnosis in any patient with risk factors who present with fever or sepsis of unknown origin. A host of intracardiac and extracardiac complications can stem from infective endocarditis. A thorough history and careful physical examination can help guide management limiting morbidity and mortality.</p>S. Shadiya Sulthana
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2025-01-252025-01-25231827Prenatal diagnosis in Thalassemia – Prevention is better than cure
<p>Thalassemia is one of the common hereditary blood disorders. Various clinical, psychological and financial problems make huge impact in the affected family. In India, there are nearly 42 million carriers of β-thalassemia genes. Identification of carriers and preventing births of thalassemia major patients is essential to decrease the disease burden in the country. All parents who visit our hospital for treatment of their children with thalassemia major were provided genetic counseling regarding the risk of recurrence in future pregnancies. During the study period, two high risk couples who had previously affected children with thalassemia major (three affected children in case 1 and one affected child in case 2) had a subsequent pregnancy. In both the families, mutation testing and prenatal genetic testing (chorionic villus sampling in case 1 and amniocentesis in case 2) were performed. The fetus was confirmed to be unaffected in both the cases. This led to the birth of healthy babies in the families with previous children being affected. Thalassemia major is a preventable disease. Prenatal genetic testing should be performed for all high risk couples</p>Vinod GunasekaranMalathi G Prasad
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